This blog talks on - How to build a BigInsights Application to run the Adhoc BigSQL Queries. You will be able to schedule these application so that it will be running on scheduled intervals.
Step 1: Create a BigInsights project in Eclipse
Refer to install Text Analytics Plugin in Eclipse.
Step 2: Update the Oozie workflow.
Here, I create a temp folder in Linux filesystem and create a sql script to store the query. After that, I will be be passing it to JSQSH Client to run the query.
Update the /BigSQLAdhocQuery/BIApp/workflow/workflow.xml
<workflow-app name="wfapp" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4">
<start to="create-folder"/>
<action name="create-folder">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.2" >
<argument>/bin/mkdir -m 777 /tmp/bigSQLAdhocQuery_${wf:id()}</argument>
<ok to="create-query-file"/>
<error to="failed-job-cleanup"/>
<action name="create-query-file">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.2" >
<argument>/bin/echo "${query}" >> /tmp/bigSQLAdhocQuery_${wf:id()}/test.sql</argument>
<ok to="run-jsqsh"/>
<error to="failed-job-cleanup"/>
<action name="run-jsqsh">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.2" >
<argument>$JSQSH_HOME/bin/jsqsh -U ${user} -P ${password} -i /tmp/bigSQLAdhocQuery_${wf:id()}/test.sql -n -e ${connectionName}</argument>
<ok to="cleanup"/>
<error to="failed-job-cleanup"/>
<action name="failed-job-cleanup">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.2" >
<argument>rm -rf /tmp/bigSQLAdhocQuery_${wf:id()}</argument>
<ok to="fail"/>
<error to="fail"/>
<action name="cleanup">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.2" >
<argument>rm -rf /tmp/bigSQLAdhocQuery_${wf:id()}</argument>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="end"/>
<kill name="fail">
<message>error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name="end"/>
Step 3: Update the /BigSQLAdhocQuery/BIApp/workflow/config-default.xml
Step 4: Update the /BigSQLAdhocQuery/BIApp/application/application.xml
<application-template xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<property defaultValue="bigsql" isInputPath="false" isOutputPath="false" isRequired="true" label="JSQSHConnectionName" name="connectionName" paramtype="STRING" uitype="textfield"/>
<property isInputPath="false" isOutputPath="false" isRequired="true" label="User" name="user" paramtype="STRING" uitype="textfield"/>
<property isInputPath="false" isOutputPath="false" isRequired="true" label="Password" name="password" paramtype="PASSWORD" uitype="textfield"/>
<property isInputPath="false" isOutputPath="false" isRequired="true" label="Query" name="query" paramtype="TEXTAREA" uitype="textfield"/>
<asset id="BigSQLAdhocQuery" type="WORKFLOW"/>
Step 5: Publish the BigInsights Application.
Refer for steps to publish the application.
Step 6: Deploy the App from Web Console & Run it from Console.
You can run the BigSQLv1 or BigSQL queries by creating a JSQSH Connection and passing it as input.
You can provide the Ad hoc BigSQL Queries and can schedule to run at fixed intervals.