This blog describes on Configuring and running the Kafka from IBM BigInsights.
Apache Kafka is an open source that provides a publish-subscribe model for messaging system. Refer :
I assume that you were aware of terminologies like Producer, Subscriber, Kafka Brokers, Topic and Partitions. Here, I will be focusing on creating multiple Brokers in BigInsights then create a topic and publish the messages from command line and consumer getting it from the Broker.
Environment: BigInsights 4.2
Step 1: Creating Kafka Brokers from Ambari
By default, Ambari will have one Kafka Broker configured. Based on your usecase, you may need to create multiple brokers.
Login to Ambari UI --> Click on Host and add the Kafka Broker to the node where you need to install Broker.
You can see multiple brokers running in Kafka UI.
Step 2: Create a Topic
Login to one of the node where broker is running. Then create a topic.
cd /usr/iop/
su kafka -c "./ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 2 -partitions 1 --topic CustomerOrder"
You can get the details of the topic using the below describe command.
su kafka -c "./ --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic CustomerOrder"
Step 3: Start the Producer
In the argument --broker-list, pass all the brokers that are running.
su kafka -c "./ --broker-list, --topic CustomerOrder"
When you run the above command, it will be waiting for user input. You can pass a sample message
{"ID":99, "CUSTOMID":234,"ADDRESS":"12,5-7,westmead", "ORDERID":99, "ITEM":"iphone6", "COST":980}
Step 4: Start the Consumer
Open an other Linux terminal and start the consumer. It will display all the messages send to producer.
su kafka -c "./ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --from-beginning --topic CustomerOrder"
Thus, We are able to configure and perfom a sample pub-sub system using Kafka.
Apache Kafka is an open source that provides a publish-subscribe model for messaging system. Refer :
I assume that you were aware of terminologies like Producer, Subscriber, Kafka Brokers, Topic and Partitions. Here, I will be focusing on creating multiple Brokers in BigInsights then create a topic and publish the messages from command line and consumer getting it from the Broker.
Environment: BigInsights 4.2
Step 1: Creating Kafka Brokers from Ambari
By default, Ambari will have one Kafka Broker configured. Based on your usecase, you may need to create multiple brokers.
Login to Ambari UI --> Click on Host and add the Kafka Broker to the node where you need to install Broker.
You can see multiple brokers running in Kafka UI.
Step 2: Create a Topic
Login to one of the node where broker is running. Then create a topic.
cd /usr/iop/
su kafka -c "./ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 2 -partitions 1 --topic CustomerOrder"
You can get the details of the topic using the below describe command.
su kafka -c "./ --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic CustomerOrder"
Step 3: Start the Producer
In the argument --broker-list, pass all the brokers that are running.
su kafka -c "./ --broker-list, --topic CustomerOrder"
When you run the above command, it will be waiting for user input. You can pass a sample message
{"ID":99, "CUSTOMID":234,"ADDRESS":"12,5-7,westmead", "ORDERID":99, "ITEM":"iphone6", "COST":980}
Step 4: Start the Consumer
Open an other Linux terminal and start the consumer. It will display all the messages send to producer.
su kafka -c "./ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --from-beginning --topic CustomerOrder"
Thus, We are able to configure and perfom a sample pub-sub system using Kafka.